Staying sun safe: UPF 50+ sun protective clothing is the best solution

3 min read
Staying sun safe: UPF 50+ sun protective clothing is the best solution
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The Australian Government recently encouraged Australians to apply sunscreen on a daily basis and determined it should become part of a daily routine, like brushing your teeth.

We welcome the fact that the Australian Government has formally adopted this position. Sunscreen is an effective tool in sun protection, but it should be considered as a last resort measure when you have no option but to expose your skin directly to sunlight.

It is beyond debate that sun protective clothing is a more reliable means of sun protection than sunscreen with the equivalent UPF/SPF because sunscreen is an application to the skin whereas sun protective clothing provides consistent protection as the fabric blocks the UV rays before they reach a persons skin.

So, we wish that the Australian Government had pointed out to the Australian public that sun protective clothing is the best way to protect yourself and only when you are not able to protect yourself then you should apply sunscreen.

As it costs the Australian Government around $1bn per annum to diagnose and treat skin cancer and melanoma annually it is certainly in their interest to encourage the public to wear UPF 50+ sun protective clothing.

Solbari offers a range of UPF50+ sun protective clothing, sun hats, UV arm sleeves, sun umbrellas and sun protective driving gloves. All Solbari fabrics have been independently tested and rated UPF 50+ by the Australian Government. Solbari has loyal customers in over 70 countries.

You can find out more about Solbari's sun protective range by clicking the links below:
Women UPF 50+
Men UPF 50+
Sun hats UPF 50+
Accessories UPF 50+

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